Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Kailash the path to clear the muddled history of the human race

In studying human history, India has been sidelined. India has the oldest cities in the world and is pertinent to understanding civilization. Pretty good chance Indians populated the world because they have a habit of migration. Even today we see gypsies of Indian origin all over the world. The ritual of cremating the dead may be the reason for lack of fossils that support many folklore. What secrets lie within Mount Kailash? Google Earth definitely sheds some light.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Address in the US

Without an address in the US, you simply do not exist. Strange feeling to be so invisible. Human beings have become nothing more than documents.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Paying attention to hate

The recent attacks in the USA and elsewhere in the world makes us think of hate. People blame the guns but it is really the hate. Grown up men not some angry crazy teenagers are carrying all this hate in their hearts. And so much of planning goes in to their acts. If only in all that time of planning someone had helped in showing a kinder and humane path. Leadership to spread joy and kindness is much needed and religious institutions have somehow failed to do this.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Politics of ostracizing

The last decade politics in America has attained a new low.  They play the game of isolation and now even the president is isolated.  CEOs  abandoning the Trump team is not a big surprise.  The Govt Industry complex has looted the country beyond recognition.  Hopefully, Trump's presidency will survive.  Washington politics may be tad too much for an outsider.  Don't know who else can take his place.  

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

No where to go - Palestine and Israel

Palestinians and Israelis have one thing in common, they have nowhere to go.  Arab countries did not assimilate Palestinians who left. Anti semitism is real and it can blow out of proportions in any part of the world.  These two groups of people are tied to the place they live in.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

North Korea

Kim Jong Un is crazy. Threatening Guam was crossing all  limits.  Not that one likes war. But this stupid dictator must go. He will bring misery to his people. Trump's biggest test - can he solve this crisis without bombing?

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Seth Rich not a media gimmick

Seth Rich was murdered.  Possibly because he leaked information about DNC wrong doings. Julian Assange  himself  gave a shout out to Seth Rich.    It is sad to see a disrespectful media circus  about a young man who gave up his life so that Democracy may survive.

Monday, July 31, 2017


President Trump can finally take a breather. The Press is more in shock and awe by the new man in the scene.  Scaramucci comes with plenty of scandals and sensationalism.  I wont be surprised if he runs for president some day.

Friday, July 7, 2017

In the defence of President Trump

Plenty of criticism goes the President's way.   But I think he is better than previous leaders and even some current ones in Europe. In the name of high goals they lied and killed.  And no one had the guts to say anything except the G20 protesters may be.  G20 protesting is going to become tradition like Olympics one of these days.  What makes Trump a good leader is that he leaves decision making to experts.  Without political meddling American military experts can bring peace pretty quickly. So can the financial experts bring in the money.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

India, Israel and the love of the land.

Religion is tied to the land  for Indians and Israelis.  Israel was promised to the Jews by their god. Indians take it a step further and their gods live on the Indian Mountains and the rivers are their gods.

India and the Palestinian cause

Prime minister Modi visits Israel and suddenly all the Palestinian sympathizers are worried.  India has historically stood for the right causes since independence.  India has a reputation and hence makes a mark in  global policies.  But even before Modi we must pay attention to the fact that even Arab nations have warmed up to Israel recently.  This is not because people do not care about illegal settlements that throw Palestinians out of their home. More so because the tactics of the past are leading no where. A fresh approach is needed.  Perhaps Israel will play the role of the gateway to lasting peace in the middle east.  

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

The right to exist - Israel and Palestine

Israel and Palestine has fought the good fight and have earned the right to exist as nations.  If you ignore the boundaries drawn by God or Britain and came up with a sensible plan, peace and prosperity may visit and stay put in the region. Just like its resilient people.

Holy Cow!

The Gau rakshaks or cow protectors have created havoc in India.   Shameful sight to see mobs killing people on video. And it simply does not stop.   It is a sad state of affairs. Someone needs to be accountable.   Human rights have taken a big beating.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Chelsea Manning walks free. God bless her and the likes of her.

One day Chelsea Manning  may get a nobel prize. But today, she still has to answer questions like would she provide information to the enemy. Can a person who take so much punishment for human rights be perceived as a traitor?  I do not see how.

And of course, we will like to see Assange walk free soon too.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

The future of education

The Youtube and Github communities are now playing the role of universities in the past by providing a platform to learn and share. Academics has turned in to a bad money making machinery with  ever increasing fees and even reputed publishers asking for money to publish.  The future of education is clearly online and universities will play some kind of certifying role, may be.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Trumps make a huge impact on the world scene

The Trumps really made an impact in the world and the world sees America in good hands. Yet the Democrats back home have been playing on the Russian theme to death.  Trump with all his muslim bashing had an amazing welcome in Saudi Arabia.   The world with the Trumps wants to reset the mess of the last decade. But the US politicians not so much.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Trump's first foreign tour and the spotlight on King Salman

Trump's middle east tour is going very well. Clearly had a great welcome in Saudi Arabia. But Trump's speech in Saudi Arabia was more like a lecture from a teacher who knew little about the subject.  For Trump the main focus was Islamic terrorism - a concept we do not even know is real. The people of Islam today face many conflicts. And we can sense that King Salman truly wants to bring peace.  Bring Homes to displaced families and bread to hungry children.   Trump's speech missed the mark in Saudi Arabia but everyone expects Trump to be on the side of peace. Some day Iran will also see the urgent need for peace and shake hands with King Salman.

It is also true that no one but Donald Trump can bring such optimism to the region in such trying times.

Friday, March 3, 2017

The tragic destruction of sanaa, Yemen.

Its sad to see Sanaa,  a city with the first skyscrappers of the world, being Bombed today.   The politics is a lot  like Lebanon.  The Shias are not in majority but is almost fifty percent of the population.  The Shias hence cannot get to power but want to govern all the same. The Shia community must learn to adapt to democracies when they do not have a clear majority. Otherwise they bring untold tragedy to the region.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Why the one state solution to the Israel Palestinian conflict difficult to swallow

Israel insists on maintaining military control of all the region. Given that condition a two state solution is never going to work out. A one state solution on the other hand will take away many privileges the Jews enjoy at this moment.  But those privileges are human right violations. In the immigration policies of Israel, all Palestinians must be allowed to return home. Just like all Jews are welcome in Israel. Either that or a real two state solution where Palestine has the military to defend itself.

I have a strong preference for a one state solution. I think there is a possibility of a beautiful country emerging which everyone will want to visit.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The road map of Israel Palestinian peace

Watching Netanyahu and Trump's news conference yesterday,  we see that what Netanyahu wants is a 2 state solution with military control of  the region. Without military control a state is not a state at all. Netanyahu points to the religious fanaticism in Palestinian Muslims taught to hate jews from a very early age.  He does not talk about the fanatic Jews who think god gives them the right to throw Palestinians out of their homes.  In fact they forget the ten commandments clearly forbid stealing another person's property. Moreover, there is also a dwindling population of Christians in Palestine.

A two state solution is not in the interest of Palestinians. Their govts - both Hamas and Fatah has done little for them.  Equal rights, end of discrimination, and apartheid should be their goal. 

The settlers are given preferential treatment. Ordinary citizens get treated like  with royalty  with  security even for their children to play.  Settlers are sometimes foreigners offered the good life for being jews.  When Palestinian who have lived in the region forever  are denied the securities of their own homes. 

One state solution is the way to go with Palestinians having all the rights as an Israeli citizen. Permits to build on their own property, use state roads, and so on.  I bet Israel may not agree to it because they have gotten used to treating Palestinians as second class citizen.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

The Christian narrative in the Jerusalem conflict

All the important biblical places of Christians are in Palestine and Israel. But Christians have not bothered to evict anyone. They quietly visit the holy places. I do not know why Jewish people think they can behave like this.  As though only their history is important. I might even say that if  Jewish history was not connected to Christian history,  it would be probably have been long forgotten.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

The Israel Palestinian Conflict

Settlers are the biggest problem.  They kind of irritate the Palestinians just  like the Hezbollah rockets anger Israelis.  Though the two state solution may be a dead idea it is better to let cultural divides diminish naturally.   Peace is very much possible in Israel.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

More on the travel ban

President Trump may have hired many people but not H1-Bs or Green card holders. They are protected by the law. When you hold an H1-B the corporate lawyers are always looking out for your interests.  You are not too worried because you have a lawyer at a phone call's reach.  But when you have a green card,  you may not have a lawyer, but you have been in the US so long. Your property and even family is still in the country.  It is heartless to deny entry to green card holders. Typically on a green card you cannot  stay outside  the country for more than six months else you will lose it.  This travel ban implies if you leave the country you may lose it. These legal immigrants are treated  like illegal immigrants. And President Trump is surprised that the court put a stop on his executive order.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Travel ban causes uproar

I would not be too concerned about the travel ban. Remember right after 911 tempers at US airports  were quite discriminatory. But US airports got their acts together faster than other airports around the world.  Sorry for stranded passengers.  Hopefully they will all get home soon.  Its really crazy to trouble valid visa holders (even green card holders)  just because they come from a certain country.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

On the travel ban

No matter what Europe or Canadian leaders say, I think US will be the number one country to immigrate to. On the other hand all travel bans should be handled at the visa level. Treating weary travelers badly is like giving out wedding invitations and then not allowing guests in. Hey not everyone travels in airforce one. I put myself in those travellers shoes and I know all I can think of is a nice warm shower as I get out of the airport. It is absolutely annoying to be detained at the airports. All detaining can be endured at the comforts of your own home.

Waking up in America

I am wondering why there has been so many protests in America lately. As though anything new is happening. Extreme vetting of muslims is a problem?    Americans in general are extremely vetted, Peeping  toms, stalkers, vigilantes have been a nuisance for a long time.  Okay now the President is saying openly we must do such things and everyone is so disturbed.   That the American public is waking from a slumber is a good thing.  Time will tell where  it will all lead. Banning people from countries is not a great idea. Americans like to visit these countries on business or vacation. I recommend all President elects  to travel the world and eat some street food in the transition period so that they know how much fun the world is.  So much fun that they would hate to take that joy away from fellow citizens. Unfortunately most US presidents travel when they become real lame ducks in the last year of presidency. Having caused much damage by then and losing their once in a lifetime chance to do this wonderful world a great service.

Friday, January 27, 2017

The Trump era

Watching the Trump era unravel.  Just like the campaign a lot of statements from President  Trump still shock.  But his actions are mostly correct. I think the secret being that he says the first thing that comes to mind giving people a chance to debate and give facts and feedback. Consequently, when it is time to act it is alright.  I do believe an era of true debate has begun in America.   I think President Trump  will do well. One year down if there is less bombs thrown at civilians in random countries and more money in everyone's pockets I will say he is a success.  Like how a Hollywood movie is not a success unless it gains a global audience a US president has to succeed way beyond America.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Beginning the 2017 blog on a real positive note. 

Chelsea Manning to Be Released.

 Obama finally shows some guts. God bless this person -  Bradley now Chelsea Manning. You must break the law only  for  the sake of truth or justice. No law is greater than the truth or justice. The very purpose of the law is to propagate truth and justice.