Monday, January 30, 2017

Travel ban causes uproar

I would not be too concerned about the travel ban. Remember right after 911 tempers at US airports  were quite discriminatory. But US airports got their acts together faster than other airports around the world.  Sorry for stranded passengers.  Hopefully they will all get home soon.  Its really crazy to trouble valid visa holders (even green card holders)  just because they come from a certain country.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

On the travel ban

No matter what Europe or Canadian leaders say, I think US will be the number one country to immigrate to. On the other hand all travel bans should be handled at the visa level. Treating weary travelers badly is like giving out wedding invitations and then not allowing guests in. Hey not everyone travels in airforce one. I put myself in those travellers shoes and I know all I can think of is a nice warm shower as I get out of the airport. It is absolutely annoying to be detained at the airports. All detaining can be endured at the comforts of your own home.

Waking up in America

I am wondering why there has been so many protests in America lately. As though anything new is happening. Extreme vetting of muslims is a problem?    Americans in general are extremely vetted, Peeping  toms, stalkers, vigilantes have been a nuisance for a long time.  Okay now the President is saying openly we must do such things and everyone is so disturbed.   That the American public is waking from a slumber is a good thing.  Time will tell where  it will all lead. Banning people from countries is not a great idea. Americans like to visit these countries on business or vacation. I recommend all President elects  to travel the world and eat some street food in the transition period so that they know how much fun the world is.  So much fun that they would hate to take that joy away from fellow citizens. Unfortunately most US presidents travel when they become real lame ducks in the last year of presidency. Having caused much damage by then and losing their once in a lifetime chance to do this wonderful world a great service.

Friday, January 27, 2017

The Trump era

Watching the Trump era unravel.  Just like the campaign a lot of statements from President  Trump still shock.  But his actions are mostly correct. I think the secret being that he says the first thing that comes to mind giving people a chance to debate and give facts and feedback. Consequently, when it is time to act it is alright.  I do believe an era of true debate has begun in America.   I think President Trump  will do well. One year down if there is less bombs thrown at civilians in random countries and more money in everyone's pockets I will say he is a success.  Like how a Hollywood movie is not a success unless it gains a global audience a US president has to succeed way beyond America.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Beginning the 2017 blog on a real positive note. 

Chelsea Manning to Be Released.

 Obama finally shows some guts. God bless this person -  Bradley now Chelsea Manning. You must break the law only  for  the sake of truth or justice. No law is greater than the truth or justice. The very purpose of the law is to propagate truth and justice.