Thursday, February 16, 2017

Why the one state solution to the Israel Palestinian conflict difficult to swallow

Israel insists on maintaining military control of all the region. Given that condition a two state solution is never going to work out. A one state solution on the other hand will take away many privileges the Jews enjoy at this moment.  But those privileges are human right violations. In the immigration policies of Israel, all Palestinians must be allowed to return home. Just like all Jews are welcome in Israel. Either that or a real two state solution where Palestine has the military to defend itself.

I have a strong preference for a one state solution. I think there is a possibility of a beautiful country emerging which everyone will want to visit.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The road map of Israel Palestinian peace

Watching Netanyahu and Trump's news conference yesterday,  we see that what Netanyahu wants is a 2 state solution with military control of  the region. Without military control a state is not a state at all. Netanyahu points to the religious fanaticism in Palestinian Muslims taught to hate jews from a very early age.  He does not talk about the fanatic Jews who think god gives them the right to throw Palestinians out of their homes.  In fact they forget the ten commandments clearly forbid stealing another person's property. Moreover, there is also a dwindling population of Christians in Palestine.

A two state solution is not in the interest of Palestinians. Their govts - both Hamas and Fatah has done little for them.  Equal rights, end of discrimination, and apartheid should be their goal. 

The settlers are given preferential treatment. Ordinary citizens get treated like  with royalty  with  security even for their children to play.  Settlers are sometimes foreigners offered the good life for being jews.  When Palestinian who have lived in the region forever  are denied the securities of their own homes. 

One state solution is the way to go with Palestinians having all the rights as an Israeli citizen. Permits to build on their own property, use state roads, and so on.  I bet Israel may not agree to it because they have gotten used to treating Palestinians as second class citizen.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

The Christian narrative in the Jerusalem conflict

All the important biblical places of Christians are in Palestine and Israel. But Christians have not bothered to evict anyone. They quietly visit the holy places. I do not know why Jewish people think they can behave like this.  As though only their history is important. I might even say that if  Jewish history was not connected to Christian history,  it would be probably have been long forgotten.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

The Israel Palestinian Conflict

Settlers are the biggest problem.  They kind of irritate the Palestinians just  like the Hezbollah rockets anger Israelis.  Though the two state solution may be a dead idea it is better to let cultural divides diminish naturally.   Peace is very much possible in Israel.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

More on the travel ban

President Trump may have hired many people but not H1-Bs or Green card holders. They are protected by the law. When you hold an H1-B the corporate lawyers are always looking out for your interests.  You are not too worried because you have a lawyer at a phone call's reach.  But when you have a green card,  you may not have a lawyer, but you have been in the US so long. Your property and even family is still in the country.  It is heartless to deny entry to green card holders. Typically on a green card you cannot  stay outside  the country for more than six months else you will lose it.  This travel ban implies if you leave the country you may lose it. These legal immigrants are treated  like illegal immigrants. And President Trump is surprised that the court put a stop on his executive order.